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  • 英语儿歌附翻译


    《Pussy cat》 Pussy cat , pussy cat, where have you been? I’ve been to London to visit the Queen. Pussy cat , pussy cat,what did you do there? I frtghtened a little mouse under her chair. 译文: 猫姑娘,猫姑娘,你去过哪儿? 我去了伦敦拜访女王。 猫姑娘,猫姑娘,你在那儿做了什么? 我吓到了...

    2024-07-25 网络 更多内容 249 ℃ 748
  • 英语儿歌翻译


    在夏天  温度升高很多 它使我感到真的温暖  在秋天 天气是冷的 温度下降  这是一个很小的规则  它使我真的感到新鲜 在冬天 天气是冷的  温度下降  所以非常的冷    它使我感到真的寒冷  在春天  天气是暖和的 温度升...

    2024-07-25 网络 更多内容 195 ℃ 418
  • 著名英语儿歌的翻译


    The other day 前几天 I met a bear 我看见一头熊 A great bear 一头大熊 Away out there 远远的在那边 The other day I met a bear. 前几天 A great big bear, away out there. 一头大熊。远远的在那边 He looked at 他打量着我 I looked at him 我打量着他 He sized me up 他估量着我 Isized him...

    2024-07-25 网络 更多内容 496 ℃ 940
  • 英文儿歌翻译


    温度升降在夏天天气热温度升啊升它让我温暖在秋天天气凉爽温度降啊降这是一个规则他让我清爽在冬天天气冷非常寒冷他让我颤抖在春天天气暖又有暴雨让我苏醒   春春在这里,一年最好的时光鸟在这里下蛋花四处开房来玩吧,别耽误骑上你的车,迈开你的腿种花采...

    2024-07-25 网络 更多内容 535 ℃ 219
  • 爱祖国的英语儿歌 加翻译

    爱祖国的英语儿歌 加翻译

    You know "MACAU" is not my real name? I leave you too long, mother! However, they abducted is my body, You are still keeping the soul of my heart. You know "MACAU" is not my real name? I leave you too long, mother! However, they abducted is my body, You a...

    2024-07-25 网络 更多内容 721 ℃ 544
  • 儿歌小二郎英文翻译


    Small ah, small ErLang, carry the schoolbag in school, is not afraid of the sun, also is not afraid of the storms crazy, Mr. Only scold me lazy ah, then without learning, have no yan to see my parents.Small ah, small ErLang, carry the schoolbag in schools, not for rank, nor for face crazy, only for ...

    2024-07-25 网络 更多内容 809 ℃ 676
  • 鹅妈妈童谣全集(英文加翻译)


    鹅妈妈童谣全集的英文翻译:" Rabbit" nursery rhymeBig rabbit sick,In two rabbits,Three rabbits medicines,Boil four rabbits,Five rabbits died,Six rabbits carried,Seven rabbits digging,Buried eight rabbits,Nine rabbit sat on the ground crying,Ten rabbit ask why it cry?In nine rabbits,Five rabbit...

    2024-07-25 网络 更多内容 998 ℃ 880
  • 英文儿歌歌词


    去百度文库,查看完整内容> 内容来自用户:婷XLT 英文儿歌歌词集合 1.《walking,walking》 Walking,walking Walking,walking Hop,hop,hop Hop,hop,hop Running,running,running Running,running,running Now let’s stop Up and down. 2.《How are you》 Hello,hello Hello,how are you I’m fin...

    2024-07-25 网络 更多内容 499 ℃ 263
  • 英文儿歌


    Under the front of the bridge, A group of ducks swim, Come quick count, Two four six seven eight Quack, quack, Oh, really, Countless in the end how many ducks , countless in the end how many ducks. Duck old grandpa, The white beard, Sing sing home play, Would also say jokes, C...

    2024-07-25 网络 更多内容 206 ℃ 714
  • 英文儿歌中文翻译


    你好你好 色彩歌 一周的日子 新年快乐 春天来了 名字歌 一闪一闪亮晶晶 春天里早操 祝你圣诞快乐 我们相聚越多 去动物园 三只瞎老鼠 摇摆 小鸟们 火车站下面 小船 布谷鸟 十个印度小男孩

    2024-07-25 网络 更多内容 701 ℃ 446